Airwire - Ag Nascadh Pobail an Iarthair - Connecting the Western Community

How does this differ from other offerings ?

Simple pricing, transparency and no hidden costs. Broadband where you need it most.

There are no hidden usage limits with Airwire.

Our aim is to be as transparent as possible.

Residential Packages

Package Speed (down / up) Cap Installation Monthly fee
Basic 2 / 2 Mbit/s None €99.00* €30.00*
Intermediate 4 / 2 Mbit/s None €99.00* €35.00*
Pro Step 1 up to 50 Mbit/s** 500 GB €99.00 or €199.00* €40.00*
Pro Step 2 up to 150 Mbit/s** None €99.00 or €199.00* / **** €49.00*
SIRO 500 500 Mbit/s** None €99.00* €50.00*
Pro Step 3 up to 300 Mbit/s** None €99.00 or €199.00* / **** €59.00*
SIRO 1000 1 Gbit/s** None €99.00* €59.00*
Pro Step 4 up to 1 Gbit/s** None €99.00 or €199.00* / **** €79.00*

AddOn Services

AddOn   Installation Monthly fee
Phone AddOn ( no calls included ) Varies *** €5.00*
Call Package AddOn ( phone and 500 minutes per month to Ireland, UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, Poland and Germany - landlines only ) Varies *** €10.00*
Call + Mobile Package AddOn ( phone, 500 minutes per month to Ireland, UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, Poland and Germany - landlines only + 100 minutes to irish mobile phones ) Varies *** €15.00*
Data AddOn 500GB ( Valid 6 months, only used when allowance has been exceeded )   €10.00*
Fixed IP ( Has to be requested ) Free Free

All our packages are at a maximum of 16:1 contention.

(* Prices Include VAT) - Additional charges may apply, please check our fee structure. Free router requires a contract extension to 12 months. Free installation requires a contract extension to 18 months and is not available on OpenEIR lines, where a new line has to be installed. The standard 6 months contract requires an installation fee of €99 incl. VAT or €199 incl. VAT, if installed using OpenEIR and no existing line is available.

(**) - So why is the speed specified as up to ? For our Pro packages, we will provide the fastest speed that is available based on your geographic location and your distance to the next base or exchange. This could be anything from 6 mbit to 100 mbit on fixed wireless, up to 100 mbit on cable/vdsl or faster on fibre. The upload speed depends a bit on the platform, but would typically be 10-20% of the download speed. If technology changes, these upgrades will automatically apply to your connection. We'll advise you of the max speed possible during the installation.

And should you reach your data cap, you can decide what you want to do: either the connection slows down to 128 kbit/s or you can buy a data addon package and just carry on normally.

(***) - Installation pricing on our phone and call addon varies, as it depends, if you want a new number or want to transfer yours. Please check our fee structure.

(****) - For premises where telecoms infrastructure is delivered via an underground duct, it is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that this duct is not damaged or blocked and there is a free moving draw rope installed. The property owner should ensure their duct is fit for purpose in advance of placing an order, to provide adequate time to resolve any issue that might exist.


Business Packages

Package / Speed Cap IP Address Installation Monthly fee
Business Soho None One fixed IP,
More on request
Free **** or €87.22 €56.91****
Business Pro **** None One fixed IP,
More on request
On request On request
Business Cloud PABX - - On request On request
Uncontented FWA or fibre None   On request On request
Hosted MPLS
- Layer2 PtP/PtMP
None   On request On request

(**** Prices Exclude VAT) - packages are symmetric where possible. Additional charges may apply, please check our fee structure. The standard 6 months contract requires an installation fee of € 87.22 excl. VAT.

Our Business packages have no speed defined, as we will provide the fastest connection economically possible based on your geographical location and and your distance to the next base or exchange. Typical speeds can be up to 100 mbit on fixed wireless, cable/vdsl or 300 mbit and more on fibre. If technology changes, these upgrades will automatically apply to your connection.



Model Usage excl. VAT incl. VAT
TP-Link TL-WR940N FWA €28.46 €35.00
AVM Fritz!Box 7530 AX (VoIP) FWA, FTTC, FTTH €104.88 €129.00
AVM Fritz!Box 7590 (VoIP) FWA, FTTC, FTTH €194.31 €239.00
Mikrotik Routerboard 2011UiAS-2Hnd FWA, FTTH (max 350 Mbit/s) €88.62 €109.00
Mikrotik Routerboard 4011iGS+RM FWA, FTTH (10 Gbit/s+) €178.05 €219.00
Mikrotik Routerboard 4011iGS+5HacQ2Hnd-IN FWA, FTTH (10 Gbit/s+) €210.57 €259.00
VDSL SFP AddOn for RB2011 FTTC €121.95 €150.00

(*****) Router is supplied for free in case of a contract extension. Model of free router depends on package.
Even though the router was purchased or obtained through contract extension, it's the property of the customer.

FWA = Fixed Wireless Access, FTTC = Fibre to the Cabinet (VDSL),
FTTH = Fibre to the Home, VoIP = Voice over IP - Supports Phone AddOn.



Model Features excl. VAT incl. VAT
AVM Fritz!Fon C6 DECT handset with color display €80.49 €99.00


eMail Services

Package / Speed Storage Space/Account Fee per Account/Month
Basic Mail Account 256MB Free to Airwire Broadband Customers
Groupware Mail Hosting 1024MB €4.49***

(*** Prices Exclude VAT). Additional charges may apply, please check our fee structure.

We offer groupware mail hosting on our Zimbra platform. Zimbra offers full Exchange Services with Mail, Calendar, Contacts, etc. and can work with Microsoft Outlook in the same manner as Exchange does. Your business gets access to an administration interface, creating and managing accounts as needed.

More importantly, this solution offers an excellent web-interface, daily backup, anti-virus and anti-spam functionality - and the option to synchronise your data with Android, Apple, Blackberry or Windows smartphone via WiFi or data services. That way you can stay in touch, wherever you are.

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