Airwire - Ag Nascadh Pobail an Iarthair - Connecting the Western Community

What is Hybrid Jet ?

Hybrid Jet is a modern fixed wireless technology, that we have combined with direct fibre connectivity to the mast. So it is only the last mile to your premise, that is wireless.

It is futureproof to the point, that we can deliver up to 100 Mbit/s to each customer with the current setup, but can actually upgrade to deliver up to 500 Mbit/s as we go on. Capacity and quality wise, it is much more capable than 4G and LTE technologies and allows us to provide speeds equal to current fibre offerings.

How does this differ from other offerings ?

Simple pricing, transparency and no hidden costs. Broadband where you need it most.

There are no hidden usage limits with Airwire.

Our aim is to be as transparent as possible.

Hybrid Jet Products - Next generation fixed wireless

Residential Packages

Package Speed Cap Monthly fee
Pro Step 2 50 Mbit/s** None €49.00
Pro Step 3 100 Mbit/s** None €59.00

Contract Term / Installation Cost

Contract Term Installation Router
6 months €99.00 From €95.00
12 months €99.00 Free router
18 months Free Free router

AddOn Services

AddOn   Monthly fee
Phone AddOn ( no calls included ) €5.00***
Call Package AddOn ( phone and 500 minutes per month to Ireland, UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, Poland and Germany - landlines only ) €10.00***
Call + Mobile Package AddOn ( phone, 500 minutes per month to Ireland, UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, Poland and Germany - landlines only + 100 minutes to irish mobile phones ) €15.00***
Fixed IP ( Has to be requested ) Free

All our packages are at a maximum of 16:1 contention.

(**) - The upload speed depends a bit on signal and distance, but would typically be 10-20% of the download speed. If technology changes, these upgrades will automatically apply to your connection. We'll advise you of the max speed possible during the installation. 100 Mbit/s requires a maximum distance of 5km to the nearest repeater.

(***) - Installation pricing on our phone and call addon varies, as it depends, if you want a new number or want to transfer yours. Please check our fee structure.



Model Features Price
AVM Fritz!Box 7530 (being discontinued in April 2024) Dual band Wifi (2.4GHz and 5GHz), VoIP, DECT, phone system, parental controls €95.00
AVM Fritz!Box 7530 AX Dual band Wifi (2.4GHz and 5GHz), VoIP, DECT, phone system, parental controls €129.00
AVM Fritz!Box 7590 Dual band Wifi (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), VoIP, DECT, phone system with analogue and ISDN, parental controls €239.00
Mikrotik Routerboard 2011UiAS-2Hnd Advanced Business Router €109.00



Model Features Price
AVM Fritz!Fon C6 DECT handset with color display €99.00

All pricing includes VAT - Additional charges may apply, please check our fee structure.

Our Jet coverage is currently limited, as this is new technology, we're rolling out.
We will be adding more sectors over the next few weeks and months.

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